Letters I Have Received From
The Family of Johanna Marie
Jakobsdatter Knudsen

My great grandfather, Ole Jacobson, was the oldest of 14 children (One died in infancy.). His youngest sister was named Johanna Marie Jakobsdatter and was married to Kresten Knudsen of Baarup. I had managed over years of research to find descendants of all 13 surviving children but one.

The family of Johanna proved very elusive.

Buried in the cemetery at Kirke Eskilstrup are Johanna's daughter, Helga and her husband Henry Henriksen. The grave site had fresh flowers placed on it in November 2004 when I was there. There has to be family somewhere nearby!

I inquired of the pastor at Kirke Eskilstrup about the family of Helga Henriksen, but she was restricted by privacy rules and could not give out the names. I then wrote an open letter to the family and gave it to the pastor. I told her that if she sends the letter to the family, this in no way would interfere with privacy rules. Not long after this, I received my first letter from Benna and Knud Henriksen. I have made contact with the last branch of the Jakobsen family - finally!

Here is my latest letter from Knud & Benna on 11 August 2008:

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Picture 1

Picture 1 (enhanced)

Kristen & Ane Kirstine Jakobsdatter Hansen (Picture 2)

Picture 2 - Back

Picture 3

Picture 4
Dagny Kirstine Jensen

Picture 4 - Back

Picture 5
Aksel & Marie Jensen Larsen

Picture 5 - Back

Picture 6

Picture 6 - Back

Picture 7
Aksel Jensen Kilaa

Picture 7 - Back

Picture 8
Christen Knudsen, Johanne Marie Jakobsdatter Knudsen & Gerda

Picture 8 - Back

Picture 9

Picture 9 - Back

Picture 10

Picture 11

Picture 12

Picture 12 - Back

Picture 13

Picture 13 - Back

Picture 14

Picture 15

Picture 15 -Back

Picture Key

Pictures 6, 7, 8, 9


A letter from 20 April 2005:


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This page created and maintained by Gary Jacobson. Comments or suggestions regarding the content of this page may be directed to Gary at gary@garyjacobson.org
©1999-2008 Gary K. Jacobson-All rights reserved. Last updated on 12AUG2008.